
Grengine User Manual

Grengine is an engine for running and embedding Groovy in a Java VM.


  • Convenience and Speed: Scripts can be run very conveniently and are automatically only (re-)compiled when necessary. All operations are automatically thread-safe and Grengine never creates additional threads to do its work.

  • Flexibility and Control: Beyond useful default behavior, many things can be configured and tweaked and there is full control over the "life cycle" of a script: script compilation, class loading, script instance creation and script running.

  • Extensibility: Where configurable options are not enough, it is usually straightforward which classes to override or which interfaces to implement differently to get exactly the behavior you want.

  • Security: The same compiled bytecode can be used very easily in multiple class loaders, thus fully separating static variables in scripts. This allows, for example, to implement separate user sessions in a web server, so that no user information can leak between sessions even if the same Groovy scripts are used for all users.

  • Safety: Grengine works with Java VM 8 or later and works with basically any Groovy version that runs on Java 8 or later. The interface between Grengine and the Groovy JDK is so narrow and so widely used that it is very unlikely that new Groovy versions will break interoperability with Grengine, and even if it was so, adapting Grengine would almost certainly be a small matter with no impact on the Grengine API. (The older Grengine 1 works with Java VM 6 or later and Groovy versions back to 1.7.5, but even older Groovy versions could be supported with minor tweaks to the Grengine 1 source).

Running Scripts with Grengine

Basic Usage

With Grengine, a script can essentially be run by script text, script file or script URL:

Grengine gren = new Grengine();"println 'Hello World!'"); File("MyScript.groovy")); URL(""));

A binding can optionally be indicated by passing a Binding object or a Map<String,Object>.

Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("x", 5);
map.put("y", 2);
Binding binding = new Binding(map);"println x+y", binding);, map);

In Groovy, passing a map is easier than in Java:'println x+y', [ 'x' : 5, 'y' : 2 ])

For more convenient use in Java, Grengine provides an easier way to construct a Binding by indicating alternating String and Object parameters in pairs:"println x+y", gren.binding("x", 5, "y", 2));

Behind the Scenes and Performance

What happens "behind the scenes" when you run a Groovy script?

A simple Groovy script like "return 2" is implicitly roughly equivalent to the following Java source:

public class SomeGeneratedClassName extends groovy.lang.Script {
  public Object run() { return 2; }

First this source is compiled. (Unlike some other script languages, Groovy is always compiled to bytecode for a Java VM; it is never interpreted directly.) In this simple case, with no inner classes, the result is a single byte array (byte[]) associated with the class name "SomeGeneratedClassName".

The next step is loading the class, for that you need a java.lang.ClassLoader. From the outside, the class is loaded by calling

Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass("SomeGeneratedClassName");

Inside the class loader, at the first request to load the class by name, the class is "defined". This is the moment when the bytecode is actually loaded into the VM as an instance of java.lang.Class:

Class<?> clazz = this.defineClass("SomeGeneratedClassName", bytes, 0, bytes.length);

It is important to be aware that a class can only be defined once per class loader instance. There is no way to "unload" a class in a Java VM or to replace the bytecode. If a class loader and its classes are not used (referenced) any more, it is eventually garbage collected by the VM. If you need a new version of the same class, at least implicitly a new class loader instance is always required.

Once a class is loaded, an instance can be created and the script can be run, optionally with a specific binding:

Script script = (Script)clazz.newInstance();
Object obj =;

Text-based Scripts

Let’s see what the "SomeGeneratedClassName" is when using the Groovy JDK (GroovyShell and GroovyClassLoader) and when using Grengine:

String scriptText = "println";
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell();
GroovyClassLoader gcl = new GroovyClassLoader();
Grengine gren = new Grengine();;;

This will output something like this:


In case of the Groovy JDK, the generated class name is different for each call. (This may be a bit difficult to spot in case of the GroovyClassLoader, because only two digits are different; actually System.nanoTime() is used to generate the middle part of the class name.) With Grengine, the name is always the same for the same script text: "Script" plus the MD5 hash of the script text.

In terms of performance, Grengine makes a big difference if you run the same script text multiple times, but is still slower than running an already created Script instance:

long t0 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) shell.evaluate("return 2");
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)"return 2");
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++);
long t3 = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("GroovyShell: %8.3f ms%n", (t1-t0)/1000000.0);
System.out.printf("Grengine:    %8.3f ms%n", (t2-t1)/1000000.0);
System.out.printf("Script:      %8.3f ms%n", (t3-t2)/1000000.0);

Here’s the output I got on my computer: [1]

GroovyShell: 4807.417 ms
Grengine:      54.801 ms
Script:         0.262 ms

The difference between the GroovyShell and Grengine is so huge because the GroovyShell compiles each time and compiling is very expensive compared to everything else (except if the script itself did something that took a long time, of course). The difference between Grengine and calling the script directly comes from the initial compilation plus (for each call) the overhead of calculating the MD5 hash, looking up the already compiled (and loaded) class and creating a script instance.

Note that you can optionally also define the desired class name for a script:"println", "MyScript");
shell.evaluate("println", "MyScript");

This will have no effect if the script text explicitly declares a class.

File-based Scripts

For script files, the default class name is simply the file name (without extension), independently of whether you use Grengine or the Groovy JDK.

Grengine identifies script files by the canonical file path (with fallback to the absolute file path if the canonical file path cannot be determined, which is very rarely the case in practice). In addition, File.lastModified() is queried before each run and, if the file had been modified, it is recompiled, but only then. In contrast, the GroovyShell compiles each time. This leads to similar performance differences when running a script file that contains "return 2" a 1000 times: [1]

GroovyShell: 4966.928 ms
Grengine:      30.594 ms

For Grengine the main overhead (at least when running a script on a local drive) is File.lastModified(), which can be an astonishingly slow call, especially on Windows.

URL-based Scripts

For script URLs, Grengine identifies the script by its URL and, by default, the script text at the URL is only read once and then assumed never to change again. This default is based on the assumption that typically when a URL is used, getting the script text is a slow operation and, unlike with files, there is no other way to find out whether the script text at the URL has changed.

There are several ways to tweak and optimize the defaults of Grengine regarding scripts by text, file and URL, which will be explained a bit later on.

Separating Loading/Creating/Running of Scripts

With Grengine (as with the Groovy JDK) it is possible to separate class loading from object creation and from running. Grengine offers a lot of convenience here, again:

Class<?> clazz;
clazz = gren.load("return 2");
clazz = gren.load("return 2", "MyDesiredClassName");
clazz = gren.load(scriptFile);
clazz = gren.load(scriptUrl);
Script script;
script = gren.create(clazz);
script = gren.create("return 2");
script = gren.create("return 2", "MyDesiredClassName");
script = gren.create(scriptFile);
script = gren.create(scriptUrl);
Object obj;
obj =;
obj =, binding);
obj =, map);
obj ="return 2");
obj ="return x", binding);
obj ="return x", map);
obj ="return x", gren.binding("x", 5));
obj ="return 2", "MyDesiredClassName");
obj ="return x", "MyDesiredClassName", binding);
// ...

The Source Interface

The interface Source abstracts a Groovy script source. It has essentially the following two methods:

String getId();
long getLastModified();

For sources from script text, file and URL, there are interfaces that extend Source, with the following (pretty obvious) additional methods:

TextSource extends Source
String getText();
FileSource extends Source
File getFile();
UrlSource extends Source
URL getUrl();

For the default implementations, the source ID is as follows:

  • DefaultTextSource: The MD5 hash of the script text.

  • DefaultFileSource: The canonical file path of the script file (with fallback to the absolute file path of the script file, if the canonical file path cannot be obtained, which is very rarely the case in practice).

  • DefaultUrlSource: The URL.

Last modified is as follows:

  • DefaultTextSource: 0

  • DefaultFileSource: File.lastModified()

  • DefaultUrlSource: 0

Grengine provides convenience methods for getting Source instances, and these sources can also be directly used to load classes, create Script instances and to run scripts:

Source textSource = gren.source("return 2");
Source textSourceWithName = gren.source("return 2", "MyScript");
Source fileSource = gren.source(scriptFile);
Source urlSource = gren.source(scriptUrl);
System.out.println(textSource.getId() + " - " + textSource.getLastModified());
System.out.println(textSourceWithName.getId() + " - " + textSourceWithName.getLastModified());
System.out.println(fileSource.getId() + " - " + fileSource.getLastModified());
System.out.println(urlSource.getId() + " - " + urlSource.getLastModified());
clazz = gren.load(textSource);
script = gren.create(fileSource);
obj =, gren.binding("x", 5));

Here’s a sample output of the above:

/groovy/script/Script61E5513229BA3D53A09D057769AC99CC - 0
/groovy/script/Script61E5513229BA3D53A09D057769AC99CC/MyScript - 0
/private/var/folders/38/r0n49vmn7zg5dffk79_tgpl80000gn/T/MyScript.groovy - 1912774471000
file:/var/folders/38/r0n49vmn7zg5dffk79_tgpl80000gn/T/MyScript.groovy - 0

Tweaking Performance with the SourceFactory

In order to create sources, Grengine uses a SourceFactory, by default set to new DefaultSourceFactory(), which provides instances of the default source implementations. Alternatively, the DefaultSourceFactory can be constructed with different settings: [1]

Grengine grenDefault = new Grengine();
Grengine grenTweaked= new Grengine.Builder()
        .setSourceFactory(new DefaultSourceFactory.Builder()
        .build();"return 2");"return 2");;;
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)"return 2");
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)"return 2");
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++);
long t3 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++);
long t4 = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("Script Text - Default:  %8.3f ms%n", (t1-t0)/1000000.0);
System.out.printf("Script Text - Tweaked:  %8.3f ms%n", (t2-t1)/1000000.0);
System.out.printf("Script File - Default:  %8.3f ms%n", (t3-t2)/1000000.0);
System.out.printf("Script File - Tweaked:  %8.3f ms%n", (t4-t3)/1000000.0);
Script Text - Default:    44.138 ms
Script Text - Tweaked:    11.271 ms
Script File - Default:    19.193 ms
Script File - Tweaked:    11.873 ms

The options of the DefaultSourceFactory.Builder in detail:

setTrackTextSourceIds(boolean track)

Caches a map of script text to source ID, in order to reduce the number of MD5 hash calculations for text-based sources.

setTrackFileSourceLastModified(boolean track)

Caches a map of source ID to file last modified, in order to reduce the number of file.lastModified() calls for file-based sources.

setFileLastModifiedTrackingLatencyMs(long latencyMs)

Sets the latency for checking if a file has been modified; default is 1000 ms (one second), which is also often the resolution of file.lastModified() in practice.

setTrackUrlContent(boolean track)

Caches a MD5 hash of the content (script text) of all used URLs and each time a URL is given to the Grengine, gets the URL content again if a configurable latency period has expired (and recompiles then, if necessary).

setUrlTrackingLatencyMs(long latencyMs)

Sets the latency for checking if URL content has been modified; default is 60000 ms (one minute).

For further optimizations, you could override some methods in DefaultSourceFactory or provide your own implementation of the SourceFactory interface.

Grengine as a Script Container

Directory-based Grengine

Often you may have some Groovy scripts in a directory which you may want to run directly or use as a library or API. To make things concrete, suppose there are the following two files in the current working directory:

class Util {
  def concat(def a, def b) { return "$a:$b" }
println new Util().concat('xx', 'yy')

Now create and use a Grengine based on these sources:

File scriptDir = new File(".");
Grengine gren = new Grengine(scriptDir); File(scriptDir, "Test.groovy"));"println new Util().concat('xx', 'yy')");

By default, changes in the sources in the directory are detected with a latency of 5 seconds. This includes modifications of file content, as well as creating and deleting files in the directory. If changes are detected, all sources in the directory are recompiled, with dependencies between the scripts fully considered by the compiler.

Example (in Groovy):

def utilFile = new File(scriptDir, 'Util.groovy')
def newUtilFile = new File(scriptDir, 'NewUtil.groovy')
def testFile = new File(scriptDir, 'Test.groovy')
newUtilFile.setText('class Util { def concat(def a, def b) { return "$a--$b" } }')
testFile.setText('println new Util().concat("aa", "bb")')

By default, only files with extension .groovy in the script directory are considered and subdirectories are ignored. Optionally, you can change both, as follows:

def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
config.setScriptExtensions([ "groovy", "funky" ] as Set)
def gren = new Grengine(config, scriptDir, DirMode.WITH_SUBDIRS_RECURSIVE)

Script Dependencies

There are again quite a few differences between what Grengine does and what different classes in the Groovy JDK do in similar situations. Let’s assume again that there are the two files "Util.groovy" and "" in the current working directory. With a GroovyShell from the Groovy JDK:

def shell = new GroovyShell()

"xx:yy" is printed, but if you try the same with a default Grengine (one that is not directory-based):

def gren = new Grengine()

execution fails at the last line with a CompileException stating that the class Util could not be resolved.


Grengine strictly separates between scripts in its "container", i.e. scripts that are defined for the Grengine when it is created, and scripts that are given to be run (or created or loaded) by the Grengine at runtime.

The latter scripts run each in their own individual class loader. They all share the same parent class loader, which includes all of the compiled "container" script classes, but they do not see each other’s classes. These individual class loaders are managed by what is called a TopCodeCache in Grengine.

This more structured approach has some advantages.

The approach in the Groovy JDK’s GroovyShell is well suited for interactive use, where you may usually want to be able to add code script by script. Beyond that, depending on the use case, this behavior may be more problematic:

  • Thread-safety: Which thread comes first can in general influence behavior in calls in other threads.

  • Script dependencies: For example, two classes in separate scripts may refer to each other; this cannot be handled with sequential calls.

The correct handling of dependencies between scripts is also a (minor) issue if you add a script directory to a GroovyClassLoader, but that approach already covers more cases in practice. For example

def loader = new GroovyClassLoader()
def clazz = loader.loadClass('Test')

prints out "xx:yy". The GroovyClassLoader tries to load classes by name, i.e. because Test.groovy references a class Util, the loader searches for a file Util.groovy in its classpath and, if found, compiles it and loads the class. This works only if the file name matches the class name. For example, in Groovy a file Extras.groovy might contain several non-inner classes, including Util (which is not possible in Java) - in that case the loader would not find the class Util (unless Test.groovy or another of its dependencies would first refer to a class Extras and there was a class Extras in Extras.groovy).

If you need 100% correct handling of dependencies using the Groovy JDK, you use a GroovyScriptEngine, but then you are limited to running only the scripts that are defined for the engine.

Grengine allows to do both, and more, as will be shown shortly.

For the moment note that you can simply use Grengine as the parent class loader of a GroovyShell or GroovyClassLoader etc.:

def gren = new Grengine(new File('.'))
def shell = new GroovyShell(gren.asClassLoader())
shell.evaluate("println new Util().concat('aa', 'bb')")

Or you can have it the other way round, i.e. use a GroovyClassLoader as the parent class loader of Grengine:

def loader = new GroovyClassLoader()
def gren = new Grengine(loader)
def clazz = gren.loadClass('Test')

Since with Grengine you can add more controlled sets of Groovy sources "between" the top Grengine API and the GroovyClassLoader you can often have both the flexibility of the Groovy JDK and the control and additional features of Grengine, depending on what you need.

Sources Layers

In general, a Grengine’s "container" scripts can consist of any number of layers of sources:

List<Sources> sourcesLayers = ...;
Grengine gren = new Grengine.Builder()

These sources are compiled layer by layer and each layers implicitly gets its own class loader instance. The lowest layer can only see its scripts (and all classes in the parent class loader). The next layer can see its scripts and everything below, and so on. Each class loader in the top code cache can see all of that and its own script.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----   top code cache       |
-----------------------------   sources layer n      |
-----------------------------   sources layer n-1    |  Grengine
-----------------------------   ...                  |
-----------------------------   sources layer 2      |
-----------------------------   sources layer 1      |
-----------------------------   parent class loader
-----------------------------   ...
-----------------------------   root class loader

Now, it can happen — by accident or by design — that a class with the same name appears more than once in different class loaders in this layered structure.

Which class should be loaded?

Traditionally, in Java it was recommended to load from the lowest possible class loader, i.e. "parent-first", also in order to economize resources. Nowadays the opposite, let me call it "current-first", is not uncommon. For example, some Java web application containers prefer to load classes from the webapp first before loading classes from the container. In general, "parent-first" is maybe more suited in "static" setups and "current-first" more in "dynamic" setups, like maybe also often with Groovy scripts.

In Grengine, the default for sources layers is "current-first", but for the top code layer it is "parent-first", in order to give the precompiled layers (with their full dependency awareness) precedence over a dynamically compiled version.

In other words, for a directory-based Grengine:

File scriptDir = new File(".");
Grengine gren = new Grengine(scriptDir); File(scriptDir, "Test.groovy")); File(someOtherScriptDir, "Test2.groovy"));

"Test.groovy" is run from the compiled code in the only sources layer and no extra copy will be made in the top code cache. "Test2.groovy", in turn, is compiled and made part of the top code cache. In terms of latency, this means, in this case, that updates to "Test.groovy" will have a latency of 5 seconds, but for "Test2.groovy", it will only be the latency of File.lastModified().

The Sources Interface

The interface that abstracts sources has essentially the following methods:

Set<Source> getSourceSet();
long getLastModified();
String getName();
CompilerFactory getCompilerFactory();

The first method gets the set of Source instances contained in the Sources. Depending on the implementation, this set may change or not. For example, if sources are based on a directory and script files are deleted or created, the set will change. If so or if the lastModified of any of the Source instances changes, the method getLastModified() will return a new value, although typically with a configurable latency. Providing a name is optional in all provided implementations and (unlike the ID of a Source) is not required to be unique. It is recommended, though, to chose a name that helps a human reader to identify the Sources instance. The compiler factory allows, for example, to define a separate compiler configuration for each layer.


Here’s how to construct a Sources instance based on a directory, with all possible options set:

Sources dirBasedSources = new DirBasedSources.Builder(dir)
        .setScriptExtensions("groovy", "funky")
        .setCompilerFactory(new DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory())
        .setSourceFactory(new DefaultSourceFactory())

The given source factory is used to create Source instances from script files.


Here’s how to construct a Sources instance based on a fixed set of Source instances, with all possible options set:

Set<Source> sourceSet = ...;
Sources fixedSetSources = new FixedSetSources.Builder(sourceSet)
        .setCompilerFactory(new DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory())


Here’s how to construct a Sources instance based on a collection of Sources instances, with all possible options set:

Collection<Sources> sourcesCollection = ...;
Sources compositeSources = new CompositeSources.Builder(sourcesCollection)
        .setCompilerFactory(new DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory())

Note that since CompositeSources implements Sources, CompositeSources may be arbitrarily nested. And, of course, the concept is extensible, you may implement additional classes that implement Sources and compose them into a collection, too.

Source/Sources Utilities

See SourceUtil and SourcesUtil for some static utility methods that are especially useful in Java, where dealing with sets and collections is usually more cumbersome than in Groovy. Some examples:

Set<Source> sourceSet;
sourceSet = SourceUtil.filesToSourceSet(file1, file2, file3);
sourceSet = SourceUtil.filesToSourceSet(sourceFactory, file1, file2);
sourceSet = SourceUtil.urlsToSourceSet(url1, url2, url3);
sourceSet = SourceUtil.sourceArrayToSourceSet(source1, source2, source3);
Sources sources;
sources = SourcesUtil.sourceSetToSources(sourceSet, "name");
sources = SourcesUtil.sourceSetToSources(sourceSet, "name", compilerFactory);

Container Maintenance

When you create a Grengine based on sources layers and compilation fails, you get an exception immediately. Later on, if sources have changed and no longer compile without errors, you get no exception when using Grengine, instead the last state of Grengine where compilation worked remains in use.

If you want to know if compilation of sources layers failed, you have two options. Either you call:

GrengineException e = gren.getLastException();

or you register a callback when creating the engine. For that you have to implement the interface UpdateExceptionNotifier:

void notify(GrengineException updateException);

and register it when creating the Grengine:

UpdateExceptionNotifier notifier = new MyUpdateExceptionNotifier();
Grengine gren = new Grengine.Builder()

Note that there are no additional threads in a Grengine. The Grengine only checks for updated sources when you call any of its methods that require it to do so, like load/create/run.

In addition to compilation errors, you can optionally also prohibit duplicate classes with the same name, within the sources layers or between the sources layers and the parent class loader:

Grengine gren = new Grengine.Builder()
        .setEngine(new LayeredEngine.Builder()

If set like this, class name conflicts lead to a ClassNameConflictException at compile time, which is a subclass of GrengineException

Grengine Exceptions

Grengine defines its own GrengineException. Nothing special, except maybe that it also declares a method that allows to obtain the date and time the exception had been thrown:

Date date = new GrengineException().getDateThrown();

The following exceptions are subclasses of GrengineException:


Exception thrown when compilation failed. Has a method Sources getSources() that provides the sources that failed to compile.


Exception thrown when loading a class failed.


Exception thrown when creating an instance of groovy.lang.Script failed.


Exception optionally thrown if code layers or code layers and parent class loader contain classes with the same name. Has two extra methods that provide information about which classes in which layers had the same name.

Advanced Usage

Session Separation

Grengine provides a unique feature that is difficult to achieve with the Groovy JDK, except in simple cases: The same compiled bytecode, including all compiled sources layers of a Grengine and the top code cache can be shared in multiple, completely isolated "sessions".

Suppose a web application allows its administrator to configure a login with some Groovy scripts and the administrator, not much of a programmer, more a scripter, writes and configures a simple static utility class like this one:

class LoginUtil {
  static String username
  static String password
  static boolean login() {
    def success = false
    // do login in some way, using username and password
    return success

Now, suppose there is a shared GroovyShell for all user sessions in the web application and the directory that contains "LoginUtil.groovy" has been added to the GroovyClassLoader of the GroovyShell. Finally, during each login, configured scripts like these are run:

def username = ...
def password = ...
LoginUtil.username = username
LoginUtil.password = password
def success = LoginUtil.login()
if (success) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...

Now, if several users log in at the same time, it can happen that username and password set for one user are overwritten by the ones for another user before Util.login() is called for the first user, so that in the end the first user has successfully logged in as the second user!

With the Groovy JDK, you could use separate instances of GroovyShell for each session, which would mean that all scripts would have to be compiled for each session. Or you could have a master GroovyClassLoader that has a target directory set in its CompilerConfiguration and then add the target directory to the classpath of a slave GroovyClassLoader instance per session.

With Grengine, you can use separate class loaders based on the same compiled byte code with a single Grengine instance. You can choose between "attached" loaders that are automatically updated when the Grengine’s sources layers change and all share a top code cache, or you can have "detached" loaders that remain constant during the session, i.e. compiled sources layers remain constant during the lifetime of the loader and have a top code cache only shared with loaders that have the same compiled sources layers.

Loader loader = gren.getLoader();
Loader loader1 = gren.newAttachedLoader();
Loader loader2 = gren.newDetachedLoader();"return 2");, "return 2");, scriptFile, binding);
gren.create(loader2, scriptUrl);

All variations of load/create/run can optionally have a loader as its first parameter. If not indicated, the default loader is used, an attached loader that can be obtained with gren.getLoader().

Note that the Loader class is an opaque wrapper around an actual class loader.

Alternative Session Separation

The following code addresses the issue of shared static variables differently, namely by not allowing static (non-final) variables in Groovy sources or issuing a warning etc., with a CompilationCustomizer like this one:

class NoStaticCompilationCustomizer extends CompilationCustomizer {

  NoStaticCompilationCustomizer() { super(CompilePhase.CANONICALIZATION) }

  void call(SourceUnit source, GeneratorContext context, ClassNode classNode)
      throws CompilationFailedException {
    classNode.fields.each { field ->
      if (Modifier.isStatic(field.modifiers) && !Modifier.isFinal(field.modifiers)) {
        // throw or warn, etc.
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
config.addCompilationCustomizers(new NoStaticCompilationCustomizer())

So, instead of isolating static variables in different class loaders, the approach here is to use just one class loader and not to let the static variables be created in the first place, or at least make operators aware of potential security issues.

This puts an additional burden on administrators, namely to check script validity and to know how to refactor Groovy sources when needed, and it is also somewhat less robust against unintended leaks between sessions, because even static final variables can be modified from different sessions, depending on their type, a Map, for example. The latter issue could be covered to some degree with an extended CompilationCustomizer, but this would again add complexity that administrators would have to understand and know how to refactor.

On the other hand, this workaround is by design faster than multiple class loaders and essentially free of the garbage collection issues described in the next section.

Class Loading and Garbage Collection

Although loading classes from bytecode obtained from compiling Groovy scripts is a lot less expensive than compiling them (plus afterwards also loading the resulting bytecode), it is still somewhat more expensive than one might naively expect and there are a few things to be aware of when operating that way.

In the following, I will simply call classes compiled by the Groovy compiler from Groovy scripts/sources Groovy classes and classes compiled by the Java compiler from Java sources Java classes.

  • Class Loading
    Experimentally, loading of a typical Groovy class is often about 10 times slower than loading a Java class with similarly complex source code, but both are relatively expensive operations (of the order of a millisecond for a small Groovy class, to give a rough indication). For Java classes, this is apparently mainly expensive because some security checks have to be made on the bytecode. For Groovy classes, it is mainly expensive because some metadata is needed to later efficiently call methods dynamically, and the like.

  • Garbage Collection
    Classes are stored in PermGen (up to Java 7) resp. Metaspace (Java 8 and later) plus some associated data on the Heap, at least for Groovy classes the latter is normally the case (metadata). Whereas for Java classes, unused classes appear to be usually garbage collected from PermGen/Metaspace continuously, with Groovy classes this typically does not happen before PermGen/Metaspace or the Heap reach a configured limit. The reasons for that are the technical complexities of a dynamic language paired with Java VM restrictions and bugs, performance requirements (fast access to metadata from the class) and remaining backwards compatible with previous Groovy versions (except when making a major release). Note that by default on Java VMs there is typically no limit set for Metaspace (but there is for PermGen), so setting a limit is crucial in practice when using Groovy.

  • Garbage Collection Bugs
    In the past, several Groovy versions had failed at garbage collecting Groovy classes and their class loaders, resulting finally in an OutOfMemoryError due to exhaustion of PermGen/Metaspace or the Heap, whichever limit was reached first. From Groovy 2.4.0 to 2.4.7 you had to make sure you set the system property groovy.use.classvalue=true in the context of Grengine (or when using the Groovy JDK to compile and run scripts). Note that under different circumstances, like the one described in GROOVY-7591: Use of ClassValue causes major memory leak you would instead have had to set it to false! That Groovy bug is actually in turn due to an issue in Oracle/OpenJDK Java VMs regarding garbage collection under some circumstances, more precisely a general issue that also affects a new feature (ClassValue) introduced in order to make thing easier(!) for dynamic languages in the Java VM, see JDK-8136353.

In a setup in which you don’t know when a loaded class will not be needed any more, and you want or need to load many Groovy classes repeatedly, first set a limit on PermGen/Metaspace, then verify that classes can be garbage collected once the limit is reached and that throughput is sufficient for your needs (despite the relatively slow class loading performance of Groovy (and Java) classes in the Java VM). And don’t forget to repeat this at least when you upgrade Groovy to a new version, but probably also when you upgrade Java.

In a setup in which you know exactly when you won’t need a Grengine or a Loader any more (including all the classes it ever loaded), you can explicitly make it available by calling its close() method.

Example 1:

Grengine gren = new Grengine();"int x=0; [1,2,3].each { x+=it }; x");

Example 2:

Grengine gren = new Grengine();
Loader loaderA = gren2.newAttachedLoader();, "int x=0; [1,2,3].each { x+=it }; x");
Loader loaderD = gren2.newDetachedLoader();, "int x=0; [1,2,3].each { x+=it }; x");

This eliminates all the OutOfMemoryError issues described above. With Oracle Java 8 (and apparently with Oracle Java 6 and 7 on Windows) this leads generally to "on-the-fly" garbage collection, i.e. classes and their loaders are generally already collected before any limit on PermGen/Metaspace or Heap is reached. On VMs in which this is not the case, garbage collection when the limit is reached causes no noticeable delay, as opposed to when not closing, where the delay can easily be several seconds in which the VM does not respond to anything at all…​

Finally, note that you can even provide a custom cleanup function, just implement the ClassReleaser interface and set it in the Engine.

Grengine and Grape

The ability to get dependencies from a Maven repository (or similar), at runtime, including transitive dependencies, which Grape offers, is a pretty much unique and cool feature that almost only Groovy offers so easily:

println "Grape: 'C' is upper case: ${Ascii.isUpperCase('C' as char)}"

With Grengine this does not work if you just create e.g. a Grengine instance with new Grengine(), because Grape only works if there is a GroovyClassLoader (or a RootLoader) somewhere up in the class loader parent hierarchy. (The workaround @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) before a grab does not always help, most prominently it fails in a webapp container like Tomcat.) In addition, in the case of Grengine, that GroovyClassLoader would not be the one that was used to compile the sources, which can lead to race conditions when loading classes from bytecode, because the Grape dependencies are added to the classpath in a static initializer, which may or may not run before classes from those dependencies are attempted to be loaded by the Java VM. (This is a general issue that affects loading of any classes compiled from sources that grab dependencies with Grape, see GROOVY-8108.)

Moreover, there is an open bug in Groovy Grape, GROOVY-7407, which is hard to fix in full generality. Namely, grabs are only thread-safe if they all go through the same GroovyClassLoader. They are not if you use different GroovyClassLoader instances, and also not across different class loaders for the Grape classes or different Java VMs (GROOVY-8097).

Grengine provides easy support for alleviating GROOVY-7407 in practice, except across different Java VMs, and prevents GROOVY-8108 from affecting Grengine.

Optionally the GrapeEngine in the Grape.class, which is obtained with Grape.getInstance() — and so far is always an instance of a class called GrapeIvy (using Apache Ivy to resolve dependencies) — is wrapped with a Grengine-specific instance that locks all grabs on Grape.class or on a freely eligible lock object and passes on all calls to the original GrapeEngine instance. For example, if you wanted to safely use Grape across different webapps in a Tomcat, the webapps might lock on some rather unusual class in the Java JDK, instead of on Grape.class, which would typically be separately loaded classes if the Groovy JAR is part of each webapp and not installed at the Tomcat level. Also part of the wrapper is a mechanism where you can optionally pass the runtime GroovyClassLoader while compiling via a CompilationCustomizer, with the effect that grabs are made on both the runtime class loader and the compile time class loader, thus eliminating GROOVY-8108.

In practice, things are quite easy to use. For a Grengine that uses Grape and is based of sources in a given directory, instead of

Grengine gren = new Grengine(dir);

you would do this:

Grengine gren = Grengine.Grape.newGrengine(dir)

The first call wraps the GrapeEngine in the Grape class, which has a "global" impact on all Groovy scripts and classes that grab dependencies, but this does no harm to others, in fact it has no effect except on them except that it eliminates the GROOVY-7407 issue within the scope of the loaded Grape.class. (With the exception of performance: If one grab takes a few seconds because it has to download a dependency from a remote repository, any other scripts that want to grab, too, must wait. On the other hand, if those scripts would not wait, their grabs might fail or even get Grape into a state in which grabbing would not work any more until exiting the Java VM.)

The above shortcut works with all convenience Grengine constructors, the ones from directories, a collection of URLs or without any sources layers. To deactivate wrapping again, simply call:


If you want to use a different lock, use:


In more sophisticated use cases where you define the elements of the Grengine in more detail, you can directly use the DefaultGroovyCompiler class. The methods enableGrapeSupport() and disableGrapeSupport() have exactly the same effect als the activate/deactivate methods mentioned above. The only thing you usually have to do in addition, is to modify the CompilerConfiguration with a call like this, where runtimeLoader would be the parent loader of the Engine you create:

GroovyClassLoader runtimeLoader = ...;
CompilerConfiguration config = ...;
DefaultGroovyCompiler.withGrape(config, runtimeLoader);

The compiler configuration is then set in the CompilerFactory, which, in turn, is used for the Sources and the TopCodeCache of the Engine. Here is a real example in Groovy (from Jexler):

private Grengine createGrengine() {

  // setting most things explicitly even if would be default value anyway

  // for Grape to work, a GroovyClassLoader must be a parent loader
  final GroovyClassLoader runtimeLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
  //System.setProperty('', 'true')
  //System.setProperty('ivy.message.logger.level', '4')

  final CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration().with {
    optimizationOptions.put(INVOKEDYNAMIC, true)
    targetBytecode = JDK8
    addCompilationCustomizers(new ImportCustomizer().with {
      addStarImports('ch.artecat.jexler', 'ch.artecat.jexler.service', 'ch.artecat.jexler.tool')
  DefaultGroovyCompiler.withGrape(config, runtimeLoader)

  final CompilerFactory theCompilerFactory = new DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory(config)

  final Grengine gren = new Grengine.Builder().with {
    sourcesLayers = [(Sources)new JexlerContainerSources.Builder(this).with {
      compilerFactory = theCompilerFactory
      sourceFactory = new DefaultSourceFactory()
      latencyMs = 800
    latencyMs = 800
    engine = new LayeredEngine.Builder().with {
      parent = runtimeLoader
      allowSameClassNamesInMultipleCodeLayers = false
      allowSameClassNamesInParentAndCodeLayers = true
      withTopCodeCache = true
      topLoadMode = LoadMode.PARENT_FIRST
      topCodeCacheFactory = new DefaultTopCodeCacheFactory.Builder().with {
        compilerFactory = theCompilerFactory

  final GrengineException lastUpdateException = gren.lastUpdateException
  if (lastUpdateException != null) {
    trackIssue(this, 'Compiling container sources failed at startup' +
        ' - utility classes are not available to jexlers.', lastUpdateException)

  return gren

Note that there are only two things done specifically to support Grape here, the activation call and the call to adapt the compiler configuration which is then passed to the constructed CompilerFactory.

By the way, you might also want to use the activate/deactivate calls simply to eliminate the GROOVY-7407 issue when using only the Groovy JDK, but nothing from Grengine except for those calls.

Grengine as a Framework

This section is mainly for developers interested in the structure of Grengine and, in particular, in how to modify and extend default behavior by subclassing existing classes or by (re-)implementing interfaces.

I will be concise here. See Javadoc and source code for details.

Compiler, Code and Bytecode

The compiler interface is very simple:

Code compile(Sources sources) throws CompileException;

The interface Code wraps bytecode plus associated class names, including the name of the main class per Source instance, plus some information about the Sources, namely last modified at compile time and the sources name.

The class Bytecode is just a simple bean that wraps a class name and its bytecode byte array.

There are two implementations of Code, one for an arbitrary number of Source instances in the Sources given at compilation, DefaultCode, and DefaultSingleSourceCode for a single Source instance. The latter is primarily useful in the context of the top code cache.

The default implementation of Compiler is DefaultGroovyCompiler. It does nothing special, during compilation a GroovyClassLoader is created and optionally it writes classes also to to a target directory, if indicated in the compiler configuration.

It is imaginable to implement Compiler for other languages, like Java or Scala. Difficulties would be to find out the main class name and which class names come from which source and methods like…​) would maybe not make that much sense if you had to explicitly implement groovy.lang.Script in Java or Scala scripts, but on a lower level, you could still use a lot of the automatisms of Grengine regarding compilation and management of compiled code.

The interface CompilerFactory and its default implementation are straightforward.

Use the static utility methods in ClassNameConflictAnalyzer to check for class name conflicts between different instances of Code or relative to a parent class loader.

Source-based Class Loaders

The abstract class SourceClassLoader extends ClassLoader essentially with the following methods for loading classes by Source and (main) class name:

Class<?> loadMainClass(Source source) throws CompileException, LoadException;
Class<?> loadClass(Source source, String name) throws CompileException, LoadException;
BytecodeClassLoader findBytecodeClassLoaderBySource(Source source);
LoadMode getLoadMode();

When loading a class by source, first the matching source is searched by ID in the class loader hierarchy. If found there, the main class can be returned or any other class that resulted from compiling the same source. Classes not associated with that source or not with any source at all, are not found this way, only if loaded directly with loadClass(className).

The load mode is an enum with two values, PARENT_FIRST and CURRENT_FIRST.

The basic implementation of SourceClassLoader is BytecodeClassLoader. Constructor:

BytecodeClassLoader(ClassLoader parent, LoadMode loadMode, Code code);

It can operate in both load modes; I recommend to take a look at the code.

It also contains two static utility methods that are used by other source class loaders, loadMainClassBySource(…​) and loadClassBySourceAndName(…​).

Based on BytecodeClassLoader is LayeredClassLoader, which contains several layers of BytecodeClassLoader, associated with layers of Sources resp. Code, plus optionally a TopCodeCache.

The LayeredClassLoader can be cloned to copies based on identical bytecode.

Engine and Grengine

The interface Engine defines the essential functionality for a Grengine, without all the convenience methods for load/create/run and without automatic updates of sources layers. These layers can be updated by providing layers of Sources or layers of already compiled Code.

The so far only implementation LayeredEngine uses a LayeredClassLoader. Layers can be updated while the engine is used.

The abstract class BaseGrengine implements most of the matrix of convenience methods for Grengine, which extends BaseGrengine. In addition, Grengine provides the automatic updates of sources layers and the callback for update exceptions.

A Grengine can be constructed with a custom Engine and SourceFactory, plus the notifier for update exceptions.


Many classes override toString() in order to produce strings useful for logging. A few classes, including all implementations of Source, override equals() and hashCode(), so that they can be used as map keys or in sets.

Many classes have an inner Builder class for flexible creation of instances, as well as to make it easier to add features in the future with a consistent interface.


There is so much yet to explore between the static world of Java and the dynamically free world of script languages.

Groovy can span it all like no other language.

Especially the Groovy compiler provides fantastic features that allow to span the whole gap in terms of the language, with optional static compilation and strong typing and much more…​

On the other hand, the Groovy JDK classes like GroovyShell, GroovyScriptEngine and even the GroovyClassLoader seem to me to lean more towards the side of dynamic scripting.

I hope you will have fun with Grengine and that it will allow you to make things with Groovy that are yet unseen!

Release Notes

Grengine 3

3.0.2 (26 February 2023)

  • Fix: The workaround for the Grape concurrency issue GROOVY-7407 now also works with Groovy 3 and 4.

3.0.1 (25 February 2023)

  • Dependency to groovy JAR no longer in published pom because Groovy 4 has a different group ID (org.apache.groovy) than earlier Groovy versions (org.codehaus.groovy).

3.0.0 (21 January 2019)

  • Changed: Packages renamed from ch.grengine.* to ch.artecat.grengine.* for Grengine’s new home at

  • Fix: ByteCodeClassLoader internally uses getDefinedPackage() if available (Java 9 and later), else continues to use getPackage().

Grengine 2

2.0.0 (28 July 2018)

  • Changed: Requires Java 8 or later. Note that package names have remained unchanged despite the new major version since Grengine is not very widely used and incompatible interface changes are sparse. Under the hood, the code has been streamlined by using Java 8 features, and unit tests have been significantly regularized and streamlined.

  • Changed:

    • GrengineException and its subclasses are now RuntimeExceptions.

    • Null method arguments now lead to NullPointerException instead of IllegalArgumentException.

  • Removed:

    • SourceUtil#CHARSET_UTF_8 ⇒ use StandardCharsets.UTF_8.

    • SourceUtil#getTextStartNoLinebreaks() ⇒ use SourceUtil#getTextStartNoLineBreaks().

    • SourcesUtil#sourcesArrayToList() ⇒ use Arrays.asList().

    • CodeUtil#codeArrayToList() ⇒ use Arrays.asList().

    • CodeUtil class (the above was its only method).

Grengine 1

1.3.0 (20 July 2017)

  • New: New methods asClassLoader() for Grengine and Engine that allow to use a Grengine resp. its engine as parent class loader for GroovyShell or GroovyClassLoader (or any other class loader).

1.2.1 (28 April 2017)

  • Fix: Java 9 compatibility (removed dependency on javax.xml.bind package, which is not available by default on Java 9).

1.2.0 (4 March 2017)

  • New/Fix: Extended support for Grape with Grengine and an easy-to-use workaround for GROOVY-7407 that can also be used independently when only using the Groovy JDK.

1.1.1 (24 February 2017)

  • New: Convenience loadClass() and loadMainClass() methods in BaseGrengine for using the default loader.

  • Deprecated: Instead of SourceUtil#getTextStartNoLinebreaks(), use the new method getTextStartNoLineBreaks() without the typo.

1.1.0 (8 June 2016)

  • New: Grengine, BaseGrengine, Engine and Loader now implement the Closable interface and the SourceClassLoader interface now contains a similar cleanup method for allowing to make classes and their class loaders more easily available for garbage collection when they are no longer needed. See the section "Class Loading and Garbage Collection" for details.

1.0.6 (4 June 2016)

  • Fix: Fixed concurrency issue in top code cache (LayeredClassLoader).

1.0.5 (24 October 2015)

  • Fix: DirBasedSources now treats (sub-)directories that cannot be listed as empty, no longer throws a NullPointerException in this case.

1.0.4 (23 August 2015)

  • Optimization: The BytecodeClassLoader class now locks individually per class resp. package name when defining classes resp. packages; previously it locked on the BytecodeClassLoader instance.

  • New (documentation): Section about the cost of session separation.

1.0.3 (9 May 2015)

  • New: Convenience Grengine constructors that allow to set the parent class loader of the engine more easily, for easier Grape support.

1.0.2 (11 October 2014)

  • Changed: Grengine constructors from CompilerConfiguration and script directory now default to using the script extensions defined in the CompilerConfiguration.

1.0.1 (4 October 2014)

  • New (performance): DefaultSourceFactory options for caching text source ID and file source last modified.

  • Changed: Slightly changed ID string of DefaultTextSource with a desired name.

  • New test: Manual test GrengineVisualPerformanceTest which prints useful info regarding performance.

1.0.0 (29 September 2014)

  • First public release.

1. Performance on a Java VM depends on lots of parameters. Beyond the order of magnitude not too much attention should be given to the informal numbers presented here. Generally, I find it best to measure performance as closely as possible to an actually deployed situation and to compare the effect of different optimization attempts there, simply because there are almost always surprises in practice.