Copyright 2012-now Jex Jexler (Alain Stalder)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package ch.grengine.jexler
import ch.grengine.jexler.service.Service
import ch.grengine.jexler.service.ServiceGroup
import ch.grengine.jexler.Grengine
import ch.grengine.jexler.code.CompilerFactory
import ch.grengine.jexler.code.groovy.DefaultGroovyCompiler
import ch.grengine.jexler.code.groovy.DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory
import ch.grengine.jexler.engine.LayeredEngine
import ch.grengine.jexler.except.GrengineException
import ch.grengine.jexler.load.DefaultTopCodeCacheFactory
import ch.grengine.jexler.load.LoadMode
import ch.grengine.jexler.source.DefaultSourceFactory
import ch.grengine.jexler.sources.Sources
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer
import org.quartz.Scheduler
import org.quartz.impl.DirectSchedulerFactory
import org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore
import org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
* Container of all jexlers in a directory.
* @author Jex Jexler (Alain Stalder)
class JexlerContainer extends ServiceGroup implements Service, IssueTracker, Closeable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JexlerContainer.class)
private static final String EXT = '.groovy'
private final File dir
/** Map of jexler ID to jexler. */
private final Map<String,Jexler> jexlerMap
private final IssueTracker issueTracker
private Scheduler scheduler
private final Object schedulerLock
private Grengine grengine
* Constructor from jexler script directory.
* @param dir directory which contains jexler scripts
* @throws RuntimeException if given dir is not a directory or does not exist
JexlerContainer(final File dir) {
// service ID is directory name
super(dir.exists() ? : null)
if (!dir.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Directory '$dir.absolutePath' does not exist.")
} else if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
throw new RuntimeException("File '$dir.absolutePath' is not a directory.")
this.dir = dir
jexlerMap = new TreeMap<>()
issueTracker = new IssueTrackerBase()
schedulerLock = new Object()
// calls also refresh() via JexlerContainerSources
grengine = createGrengine()
* Refresh list of jexlers.
* Add new jexlers for new script files;
* remove old jexlers if their script file is gone and they are stopped.
void refresh() {
synchronized (jexlerMap) {
// list directory and create jexlers in map for new script files in directory
dir.listFiles()?.each { final File file ->
if (file.isFile() && !file.isHidden()) {
final String id = getJexlerId(file)
if (id != null && !jexlerMap.containsKey(id)) {
final Jexler jexler = new Jexler(file, this)
jexlerMap[] = jexler
// recreate list while omitting jexlers without script file that are stopped
jexlerMap.each { final id, final jexler ->
if (jexler.file.exists() || jexler.state.on) {
// recreate map with list entries
for (final Jexler jexler : jexlers) {
jexlerMap[] = jexler
* Start jexlers that are marked as autostart.
void start() {
for (final Jexler jexler : jexlers) {
if (jexler.metaConfig?.autostart) {
void stop() {
// replace grengine to clean up possibly accumulated grapes
grengine = createGrengine()
void trackIssue(final Issue issue) {
void trackIssue(final Service service, final String message, final Throwable cause) {
issueTracker.trackIssue(service, message, cause)
List<Issue> getIssues() {
return issueTracker.issues
void forgetIssues() {
* Get the list of all jexlers, first runnable jexlers,
* then non-runnable ones, each group sorted by id.
* This is a copy, iterating over it can be freely done
* and trying to add or remove list elements throws
* an UnsupportedOperationException.
List<Jexler> getJexlers() {
final List<Jexler> jexlers = new LinkedList<>()
final List<Jexler> nonRunnables = new LinkedList<>()
synchronized(jexlerMap) {
for (final Service service : services) {
Jexler jexler = (Jexler)service
if (jexler.runnable) {
} else {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(jexlers)
* Get the jexler for the given id.
* @return jexler for given id or null if none
Jexler getJexler(final String id) {
synchronized(jexlerMap) {
return jexlerMap[id]
* Get container directory.
File getDir() {
return dir
* Get the file for the given jexler id,
* even if no such file exists (yet).
File getJexlerFile(final String id) {
return new File(dir, "$id$EXT")
* Get the jexler id for the given file,
* even if the file does not exist (any more),
* or null if not a jexler script.
String getJexlerId(final File jexlerFile) {
final String name =
if (name.endsWith(EXT)) {
return name.substring(0, name.length() - EXT.length())
} else {
return null
* Get shared quartz scheduler, already started.
Scheduler getScheduler() {
synchronized (schedulerLock) {
if (scheduler == null) {
final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
final String name = "JexlerContainerScheduler-$id-$uuid"
final String instanceId = name
DirectSchedulerFactory.instance.createScheduler(name, instanceId,
new SimpleThreadPool(5, Thread.currentThread().priority), new RAMJobStore())
scheduler = DirectSchedulerFactory.instance.getScheduler(name)
return scheduler
* Stop the shared quartz scheduler, plus close maybe other things.
void close() {
synchronized (schedulerLock) {
if (scheduler != null) {
scheduler = null
* Get logger for container.
static Logger getLogger() {
return LOG
* Convenience method for getting ConfigSlurper config from parsing
* the given jexler; uses the class already compiled by Grengine.
ConfigObject getAsConfig(final String jexlerId) {
final Class clazz = grengine.load(new File(dir, "${jexlerId}.groovy"))
return new ConfigSlurper().parse(clazz)
* Get container Grengine instance.
Grengine getGrengine() {
return grengine
private Grengine createGrengine() {
// setting most things explicitly even if would be default value anyway
// for Grape to work, a GroovyClassLoader must be a parent loader
final GroovyClassLoader runtimeLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
//System.setProperty('', 'true')
//System.setProperty('ivy.message.logger.level', '4')
final CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration().with {
optimizationOptions.put(INVOKEDYNAMIC, true)
targetBytecode = JDK8
addCompilationCustomizers(new ImportCustomizer().with {
addStarImports('ch.grengine.jexler', 'ch.grengine.jexler.service', 'ch.grengine.jexler.tool')
DefaultGroovyCompiler.withGrape(config, runtimeLoader)
final CompilerFactory theCompilerFactory = new DefaultGroovyCompilerFactory(config)
final Grengine gren = new Grengine.Builder().with {
sourcesLayers = [(Sources)new JexlerContainerSources.Builder(this).with {
compilerFactory = theCompilerFactory
sourceFactory = new DefaultSourceFactory()
latencyMs = 800
latencyMs = 800
engine = new LayeredEngine.Builder().with {
parent = runtimeLoader
allowSameClassNamesInMultipleCodeLayers = false
allowSameClassNamesInParentAndCodeLayers = true
withTopCodeCache = true
topLoadMode = LoadMode.PARENT_FIRST
topCodeCacheFactory = new DefaultTopCodeCacheFactory.Builder().with {
compilerFactory = theCompilerFactory
final GrengineException lastUpdateException = gren.lastUpdateException
if (lastUpdateException != null) {
trackIssue(this, 'Compiling container sources failed at startup' +
' - utility classes are not available to jexlers.', lastUpdateException)
return gren